One-Act Play

The Session

A Play In One Act

When love’s no longer beautiful, it may be time for therapy.


A man finally tells his therapist what’s really on his mind.


LENGTH: 20 minutes

CAST: 1M, 1F


Maria Volker and Jerry Ferris at the Strawberry One-Act Play Festival, Winter 2005, New York City.

THE SESSION was expanded into the full-length play, COUPLE OF THE CENTURY by William Ivor Fowkes (click here).


2005. The Strawberry One-Act Festival, the Bernie West Theatre, New York.



2007Published in the literary journal.  



2005. FINALIST (by audience selection), The Strawberry One-Act Festival, the Bernie West Theatre, New York.

2008. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize.



A therapist’s office on the ground floor of a large pre-war apartment building on Central Park West in New York City. 



Now—an afternoon.



PATIENT: A self-confident, charming man in his 40s. Dressed in a suit or coat and tie. Obviously in good shape.  

THERAPIST: An intelligent, articulate, and reserved woman. Also in her 40s. Well dressed.